The visitor-user of the pages and the services of our websites & oughts to read carefully the terms of use and the conditions of services that follow before visiting or using our pages and services and in case of disagreement he must not make use of them.
Published articles, photographs and maps are protected from the greek communal and international laws of copyright.
Copy or print of facts entered in the website is permitted for personal use only. (or is not responsible for the content and services of other websites referred by links-hyperlinks or commercial banners, and does not guarantee their availability. Problems that may occur during the visit to other websites referred are related only to the liability of the corresponding websites, where users should address. Reference to other websites is done only for the facilitation of our users and in no way does it make any kind of commitment to anyone.
The contact of the user to the administrator of the website or to the DPO (Data Protection Officer) is possible, for any questions, information or clarifications. The contact should follow the rules of decency and morality. Any criminal act will be prosecuted.
Registered maps in the website are only consultative. Roads, routes, beaches, towns, villages are entered on the maps approximately.
The "reservation form" of the website, as explicitly stated on the specific webpage, does not consist a tool of an interconnected reservation system, thus your choices are not binding for the accommodation. The reservation system, after receiving your request, will examine the availability and will reply to you, informing you about the cost of your stay, in order to complete the reservation.
The prices stated on the website, are indicative and under no circumstances should they be regarded as binding. They are determined depending on the occasion, the type of room, the number of guests and the period which the reservation is made for. (or has no responsibility for any legal, civil or criminal requirements or any kind of damage (positive, special or punitive which indicatively and not restrictively, alternatively or/and cumulatively are composed to loss of profit, data, loss or earnings, compensation etc.) from visitors of the websites or others for a cause that is related to the function or not or/and the use of the website or/and the weakness of providing information that are available at it or/and any not allowable interventions of others to services or/and information that are available from it. (or has every right to modify, add, transform, stop the content or services of the website as well as the terms of use , anytime it is considered to be necessary without any previous warning, just with an announcement at the website. The users-visitors ought , every time, to look for any changes and as long as they continue the use, it is assumed that they accept the changed terms. In any other case they ought to abstain from the use-visit of our website. (or does all that is possible for the best function of the website but does not guarantee that the functions of the website or the servers will be unstoppable or without any kind of error free of viruses or similar issues.
The use of the website must be done exclusively for legal purposes and in a way that does not limit or abstract the use from others. The visitor oughts to use the website according to the law, the morality and the present terms and does not proceed to actions or omissions that can cause damage or dysfunction to effect or to endanger the services of (or (or assumes that its users have read the present and have strongly accepted the terms and conditions of use of the website.